Thursday, October 20, 2011

How to fix this shit hole we call America

Have not been on here in ages but I got to talk about what's been on my mind for a long time now .
What is bugging me you ask ? Obama ,the middle east,foreign aid,
Take a seat and follow me on this if you will it may get long and drawn out my mind is going a thousand miles an hour here .

First things first this country has been screwed up before ww2 but after ww2 it went down hill fast . Americans returning from the war felt bad for the prisoners in the labor camps in Germany so what did we do in 48 ? We gave the Jews there on home land and we policed it .
What happened next we helped them with getting there government up and going gave them money hand over fist also gave them fire power had there back to make sure no one took what we gave them hints the US is the world police .
This put us in debt and made other country's and world leaders hate us .
Thing is were we gave them land is a battle field since biblical times war after war to take land I'm talking bloody battles here so every time we step in as big brother and punish the other country who did not mess with us but messed with isrial that in turn made them mad at us on the same hand the American new funded the other country to invade gave them money to buy tanks guns what ever they needed from us and it was hidden from the average American we thought we were justified .
That brings me to my next topic Obama being a pawn in this world order I for one knew better and did not vote for him I pleaded with friends not to vote for him I seen what he was a mile away .
But regardless we had to deal with it he has done more bad for this economy than any other president before him I really hope Ron Paul gets elected next he wants to take the power away from the federal reserve bank and put the power of printing money back into the hands of the government .
This will cause the collapse of the Rothschild's and there strangle hold on not only the US but the world even some blacks are realizing the Jews are the number one problem with this world .
If we can stop all foreign aid 110% and deport all illegal's out of this country give tax breaks to bring back jobs to the USA and put American back to work it would be a good start .
We also need to abolish welfare if you can't work then keep it but you better be handicap and not just lazy any legal people that is not born in the USA if there lazy and bleeding off of us well guess what your going back to your home land one way trip end of story . For whites who are lazy no food no place to sleep suck it up and find any job of course we would have a place like an unemployment office they could find work at were people actually find people jobs not just leads . Every young American needs to learn the value of a dollar nothing is free in this world every one wants something in return .
My last subject is quit feeding third world countrys if they can't feed themselves than let some die it will take care of the world hunger problem quick . In America some can't even feed there on children why don't we help our own and only our own ? And another thing why do Americans who can't even feed themselves get tax breaks for having kids ? The parents are a burden on us already why bring kids in to it and put the taxpayers more in debt ? Makes no since to me opinions ?

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